Social Mobility: Current Projects

  • Inland Empire Children’s Cabinet 
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Parkview Legacy Foundation partners with regional child focused agencies to  advocate for equity and demand justice for children, families, and a wide intersection of underserved and marginalized communities through the Inland Empire Children’s Cabinet by providing leadership on its steering committee and Health and Wellness working group.  Being that quality affordable childcare is essential to promote the stability and upward socio-economic mobility of families with young children, ensuring this is a focus for the Cabinet members.

Learn More Here:

  • Growing Inland Achievement
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We are honored to support the work of Growing Inland Achievement to achieve educational and economic equity in the Inland Empire through service on its Steering Committee.  Learn More Here:

  • Riverside County Social Mobility Working Group with The Urban Institute

Through service on a working group with The Urban Institute, The County of Riverside, SBX Community Services, and Lift to Rise, Parkview Legacy Foundation is helping facilitate the creation of an action plan to create pathways out of poverty for Riverside County residents through a combination of strategic planning, organizing, and policy development efforts.   More information to come soon. 

  • Integrated Anti-Poverty Framework

Building on the tremendous work of Aha Process, Inc.  we have developed a local framework to integrate socio-economic cultural competency into the workflows of local initiatives, institutions, and organizations.  The intention of this effort is to ensure that those impacted by the cycles of generational poverty are empowered with the resources and pathways required for their family’s long term socio-economic stability and overall wellness.  More information to come soon!

There is an American ideal that all those who are willing to work for it should be afforded the opportunity to build a whole and healthy life for themselves and their families better than the generations that came before them.

Unfortunately, the trend throughout many regions of the United States and in our local community reveals that current and future generations will find themselves worse off, less stable, more vulnerable, and with lower levels of income and wealth than their parents.  Our region’s residents simply cannot create whole and healthy lives with fewer opportunities to socially advance, especially those stuck in cycles of generational poverty and systemic discrimination. Interrupting this trend and creating a region in which our best ideals can be realized involves personal empowerment and real opportunities.  Every person should have access to good educational environments and careers that provide for more than mere survival. To do this, we must address the factors contributing to the negative trends; public policy at the local, regional, state, and federal levels as well as the interpersonal connection between people of differing socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.

The Parkview Legacy Foundation is committed to partnering with others from every sector to create a region in which every child has what they need to successfully complete their education and achieve life empowering career paths with more whole and healthy lives than any previous generation.